Terms of Service

1. General Description

The present General Contract Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as: “GCTC”) contains the rights and obligations of webwise Hungary Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: the Service Provider) and those of the User (hereinafter referred to as: the User), who uses the service, which was ordered thereby via https://syncee.io website (hereinafter referred to as: the Website) operated by the Service Provider. (the Service Provider and the User, hereinafter jointly referred to as the Parties).

Service Provider: Syncee
Company name: webwise Hungary Ltd.
Principal Office (and postal address): Kossuth utca 8, H-4024 Debrecen
Registering Court: Company Court of the Debrecen Regional Court
Company Registration number: 09-09-004726
VAT number: 11550176-2-09
Email address: hello@syncee.io
Customer service contact: https://syncee.io
Bank account number: 10918001-00000003-58570004 (UniCredit Bank Hungary)
The Service: Syncee – Data exchange service
The purpose of the service: Data exchange

Such technical information, relevant characteristics and features of the service as well as instructions regarding the use thereof, which are not contained by the present GCTC, are continuously available on our website. If any question arises regarding the above, users shall be provided with assistance at the designated customer support contact availability.

2. Trial Version

A free trial shall be provided for anyone by the service provider in the form of a trial version, which, after the expiry of the trial period, shall not entail an obligation to place an order or any payment related to the use of the service of the trial version.

The service may be used in the form of a trial version for 7 calendar days and until the management of 30 products with Syncee after its registration; during this term the service may be ordered at any time. After the expiry of the trial period, an e-mail shall be sent to the user.
The essence of the trial version is to enable the user to learn about the benefits of the product and confirm that it suits his requirements and computer hardware. It is therefore proposed to use the trial version before the purchase thereof; during the trial period the user may be ensured if that particular service is required thereby, which is provided by the service provider.

The trial version may be used only once on the same Shopify store.

3. Ordering process

If the user did not take the opportunity to use the free trial version, the user can subscribe to any of the provided plans any time.
In the next step of the ordering process, the related shop(s) may be selected.  In the case of having more stores, it is possible to order the service only for certain stores. 
In the following step of the order, the payable service fee shall be selected from the  monthly payment possibilities.

Shopify is handling the payment information of every Shopify application. The customers need to accept the recurring charge in their online store, and after that Shopify will charge the given credit card. If the subscription is changed during one billing cycle, Shopify prorates the price in the next charging period. Please contact Shopify for details.


4. Service Fee

The current fees of such services, which can be ordered, are continuously available on the website.
Service fees are payable in advance, in the form of a monthly service fee. The payment method (credit card/ Paypal) and the duration of service (monthly) provided during the order procedure between the service data on the dashboard, may be changed within 29 days from the first use (activation) of the service.
By the acceptance of the present General Contract Terms and Conditions, the user acknowledges that if the duration of service is not modified or the provision of the service is not terminated within 29 days from the first use of the service in the case of a monthly subscription the service fee – with such payment method which was selected thereby when the order was placed – shall be debited to the bank account of the user on the 30 days from the first use of the service and at same time, the user shall be informed about the transaction being performed.
If neither the payment method nor the duration of service is changed until the dates indicated above, the service provider shall proceed in accordance with the modifications on the days signed above.
If the service fee may not be debited on the bank account of the user by Shopify, they will try more times to charge it. Shopify takes care of the notification e-mails in case of unsuccessful transactions.

The service provider reserves its right to change the fees and content of the services that can be ordered, however, it shall be obliged to provide information thereof on its website. The modification shall take effect simultaneously with the publication thereof on the website. Such services, which had already been ordered, shall not be affected by the modification within the duration of the contractual relationship.
Invoices are handled by Shopify.

5. Right of Withdrawal

If you want to get a refund, please turn to Shopify’s Customer Support, because the users of Syncee do not pay to our company directy, but to Shopify. Please consult their Terms and Conditions about refund policy.

6. Cases of Temporary Discontinuation of Service

If the service is used by the User in such manner, which has any influence on the service or the quality thereof and/or it breaches the ethical rules of the internet, provision of the service may be discontinued by the Service Provider until the reason for discontinuing the service is eliminated by the User. The User shall be asked by an e-mail of the Service Provider to eliminate the reason for the discontinuation of the service immediately, which also draws the attention of the User to the fact that if it fails to do so within 1 day, the Service Provider may terminate the further provision of service with immediate effect. No responsibility shall be taken by the Service Provider for any damage caused by such discontinuation of the service, which is of special interest to the User.
The service may be discontinued due to a reason of special interest to the Service Provider. If the discontinuation of the service is due to regular maintenance, it shall be done with minimum 15 days’ notice to the User, which may not exceed 1 day per calendar month each time. Such maintenance activities shall be considered as regular maintenance, which are related to keeping the technical devices of the Service Provider in working order and provide the permanent maintenance of the qualitative target values as an effect of the maintenance. Regular maintenance provides the periodical increase of operational security, which gradually decreases due to the operation; thus slowing the process of the wear and tear of technical devices. Regular maintenance includes such activities, which require maintenance work in order to prevent the failure of such technical devices, which are necessary for providing the service. The period of such discontinuation shall not be included in the period of availability.

7. Events of Termination of the Agreement

In addition to the sets of cases described in the present GCTC, the agreement may be terminated by the User at any time during the period of the service by changing the service to its free trial version for the given server(s) between such service data of the webpage, which are relevant to the User.  In this case the agreement shall be terminated after the period, which is covered by the service fee paid by the User.
The User shall be entitled to terminate the agreement with immediate effect in the event of substantial breach of the contract by the Service Provider in case, in spite of the prior written notice of the User, it provides no remedy thereto within 5 days.  In the event of the termination of the agreement with immediate effect, it shall cease on the date of termination thereof.
The service agreement may be terminated by the Service Provider with immediate effect, unilaterally if the service of the User hinders or endangers the normal operation of the service and if such breaching of the agreement is not finished by the User with immediate effect in spite of being warned of the legal consequences thereof.
In case the User has a subscription for more stores and it breaches the conditions, which are described by this GCTC, in connection with any of those stores, the Service Provider shall be entitled to terminate the agreement with immediate effect.
In the events specified hereby, the intention to terminate the agreement may be exercised by the User by sending the declaration thereof to any of the customer service contacts, while in the case of the Service Provider by the declaration thereof sent to the e-mail address of the User.

The use of service or its rights may only be transferred or assigned by the User to a third party by the written consent of the Service Provider exclusively.
The User shall accept full responsibility for all such use of the service, which is accessible by the password thereof.
The User shall have to take full responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of the password thereof.
The User shall take full responsibility for its own behaviour exclusively. The Service Provider shall not take any responsibility for any behaviour of the User and shall fully cooperate with the relevant authority in order to reveal any infringement committed by the User.
Due to the global nature of the internet, the User shall act also in accordance with the provisions of the international legislation during its legal relationship with the Service Provider. If any of its activities or declarations is not allowed by the law of the state of the User, the responsibility for the legal consequences thereof shall be taken by the User exclusively.
If any reprehensible content is noticed on the website by the User, it shall be obliged to indicate it to the Service Provider. If the indication is considered well-founded by the Service Provider while it proceeds in good faith, it shall be entitled to cancel or modify the information immediately.
The service may be used by the User at its own risk exclusively.
The confidentiality of the password of the customer towards any third party shall be maintained by the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall inform only the customer and the authority entitled thereto about the password of the customer – based on an application therefor.
Such interfaces (links) may be contained by the webpage, which lead the User to the webpages of other Service Providers. No responsibility shall be taken by the Service Provider for the data protection practice or any other activity of such Service Providers.

9. Unilateral Modification of the General Contract Terms and Conditions

The Service Provider shall be entitled to modify this GCTC unilaterally as well. The Service Provider shall be specially entitled to modify this GCTC unilaterally, if it is required by the customer demands obtained for the quality improvement of the service.  In addition, the Service Provider shall be entitled to modify this GCTC unilaterally, if it is justified by the changing of the law, a decision of the authority or by a material change in the circumstances.
The Service Provider shall provide detailed information about the modification of the GCTC on the webpage, while it shall inform the User about the modification by e-mail.
If the modification contains such provisions, which are detrimental to the User, it shall be entitled to terminate the contract by sending its declaration to any of the customer service contacts within 15 days from the notification thereof.
The Service Provider shall not be obliged to apply the notification deadline included in this point for such modifications of the general contract terms where the modification of the general contract terms shall be necessary due to the introduction of new services and the general contract terms related to the already provided services are not affected by the modification or if only a service fee is reduced by the modification.

10. Handling Complaints

Any complaint or comment on the service or on the activity of the Service Provider shall be indicated by the User to the Service Provider at the customer service contacts.
The Service Provider shall be obliged to respond to all complaints and comments immediately by email. If any complaint  is rejected, the User shall be informed by the Service Provider about the reason therefor.

11. Copyrights

The content of the web-page shall be protected by the copyright of the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall be entitled to have copyright on any content, which is published while the services, which are available on the website are provided, including amongst others all graphics and other materials, the layout and editing of the surface of the web-page, the software and any other solutions, ideas and implementations used.
Furthermore, the Service Provider fully reserves its right to all elements of the service.
No right shall be provided for the use or utilization of any trade name or trade mark from the webpage by the registration, the use of the webpage or any provision of the GTCT besides the rights specified in the present GTCT. Such intellectual property may not be used or utilized without the prior written consent of the Service Provider besides its publication due to the normal use of the website, the temporary multiplication necessary thereto and copying for private purposes.

12. Miscellaneous

The Parties shall apply the provisions of the law of Hungary effective on the day of signing the agreement for the legal relationship established between each other and confer the exclusive jurisdiction on the courts of Hungary (the District Court and Tribunal Court of Debrecen) with the condition that they will primarily attempt to settle all disputes by peaceful means.
Neither of the Parties shall be responsible for the fulfilment of such obligations covered by the agreement, when an event beyond the control of the interested parties (force majeure) incurs. Such circumstances include, for example: natural catastrophe, fire, flood, provision of the authority, state of emergency, riot, civil war, war, strike or similar operational restriction, server attack, unauthorised access, etc. If the period of discontinuation due to force majeure exceeds one month, both Parties shall be entitled to terminate the agreement with immediate effect in the manner described above. The possible termination of the agreement due to force majeure shall not exempt them from the payment of such services, which are already performed until the occurrence of the force majeure.
The Service Provider shall not be subject to the provisions of any Code of Conduct.
The User acknowledges that all data and information related to the attacks against the server thereof shall be in the exclusive possession of the Service Provider; the User shall renounce all rights and claims related thereto.
By the acceptance of this GTCT, the User approves that e-mails containing information related to the Service Provider or the services provided thereby shall be sent by the Service Provider to the e-mail address designated by the User.

14. Provisions on Data Protection

The Service Provider may handle the data necessary and sufficient for the identification of the User for the purpose of establishing the agreement, determining, modifying the content, following the performance, billing the fees originating thereof as well as for recovering its claims related thereto. By the acceptance of this GTCT, the User approves the handling and processing of its data by a service provider, as well as by the agent or subcontractor thereof.
Date of entry into force of this GTCT: September 2015.